2018 Spring Garden Planning

If you want to orchestrate a garden that satisfies a certain percentage of your family’s produce needs, you need to get used to the idea of garden planning. Gardening was my gateway drug into this homesteading lifestyle, and I will always count it as a necessary (and enjoyable) part of my backyard farming life.

Today, I’m going to go over my 2018 spring garden plan, and how it relates to my 2018 homestead goals and beyond. I would’ve posted this on Sunday, but I was busy with the chicken tractor!  (more…)

Bamboo Stitch Loom Knit Scarf

*Originally published on 1/17/17 on my old craft blog. Migrated to Two Acres on a Dream on 1/28/18*


I wanted to make a scarf for my husband this year. A nice thick and warm scarf, but also one that was a touch decorative. While I settled on a bamboo stitch loom knit scarf, I started out doing cables, but I was not happy with the holes next to them. The advice I have received since then tells me that next time I should stick with the project, and judge it after I take it off the loom and block it. (more…)

Chicken Predators I Love to Hate

fox common chicken predator

I started the winter with eight hens, and I’m already twice as familiar with chicken predators as I want to be. That’s right. I’m down to six, and my goal for the rest of the winter is to not give any more chicken predators their much sought after dinner. Now I live in a semi-rural area in Crownsville, Maryland, USA. So you probably have different predators than I do, but my list will reflect my experience.

I would love to read about your area’s predators though! When you comment below, make sure to include your region and whether you live in an urban, semi-rural, or rural area! (more…)

2018 Homestead Plan (First Six Months)

I have already seen “homestead goals” posts and annual reviews posts from some of the homestead blogs I follow. It’s the beginning of the year, so I should do a homestead plan too! 2018 is going to rock here on my baby homestead; Dreams and plans take over my mind all day! I really only know as far as June, because of the birth of the baby. I’ll publish another post for the second half of the year since I’ll have to reevaluate based on what we were able to accomplish! Keep on Reading

Curious Deer and Unfinished Homestead Projects

Well, I will never leave an unfinished homestead project out in the open for a curious deer ever again. It really is the only explanation. Hooligan children didn’t do it because….. We don’t have any hooligan children in this rural neighborhood. Anyway, I’m sure you’re wondering, “Didn’t do what?”. Nature gave me this Christmas present last Monday: Keep on Reading

I Will Always Close My Coop at Dusk! Here’s Why.

chicken feathers from attack

December 18th was not a good day for me. Winter pregnancy (mine) makes all of the outdoor chores harder to do. The worst headache all year pounded in my head all day, and all the way until bedtime. I considered going out to close my coop at dusk, but then dinner was ready. I hoped some fluids and food would lessen the head ache’s thumping.

After dinner, I drudged outside, wrapped snugly in my winter coat, scarf, and gloves. Headlamp wrapped around my forehead, I made my way out to the coop. It was full dark by now, and I just wanted to get this over with.  Keep on Reading

DIY Pallet Compost Bin – 3-Bin System 

If you are anything like me, you have been envious of the fancy, clean looking compost bins you have seen in the home improvement and garden stores. We just bought our house, and it is a bit of a fixer-upper. As a result, I don’t really have the money to throw at a commercial compost bin that can hold as much waste as we will produce on 2 acres. Our home doesn’t have a garbage disposal, so what to do? Having a compost bin was a priority for me, and I had the first portion of this easy DIY pallet compost bin done in one afternoon. Keep on Reading